Sunday, April 11, 2010

larsen1999trainable A trainable summarizer with knowledge acquired from robust NLP techniques

Aone, C., Okurowski, M. E., Gorlinsky, J., and Larsen, B. (1999). A trainable summarizer with knowledge acquired from robust nlp techniques. In Mani, I. and Maybury, M. T., editors, Advances in Automatic Text Summarization, pages 71-80. MIT Press.

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Aone et al. (1999) also incorporated a naive-Bayes classi er, but with richer features. They describe a system called DimSum that made use of features like term frequency (tf ) and inverse document frequency (idf) to derive signature words.

Statistically derived two-noun word collocations were used as units for counting, along with single words. A named-entity tagger was used and each entity was considered as a single token. They also employed some shallow discourse analysis like reference to same entities in the text, maintaining cohesion.

Synonyms and morphological variants were also merged while considering lexical terms..

corpora .. newswire .. TREC
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