Sunday, April 11, 2010

kupiec1995trainable A trainable document summarizer

Kupiec, J., Pedersen, J., and Chen, F. (1995). A trainable document summarizer. In Proceedings SIGIR '95, pages 68-73, New York, NY, USA.

-To summarize is to reduce in complexity, and hence in length, while retaining some of the essential qualities of the original.
- This paper focuses on document extracts, a particular kind of computed document summary.
- Document extracts consisting of roughly 20% of the original can be as informative as the full text of a document, which suggests that even shorter extracts may be useful indicative
- The trends in our results are in agreement with those of Edmundson who used a subjectively weighted combination of features as opposedto training the feature weights using a corpus.
- We have developed a trainable summarization program

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Kupiec et al. (1995) describe a method derived from Edmundson (1969) that is able to learn from data. The classification function categorizes each sentence as worthy of extraction or not, using a naive-Bayes classifier.  ... dst"
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